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Hunt Master

Hunt Master Inverted Roller Head - Woomera

Hunt Master Inverted Roller Head - Woomera

常规价格 $65.00 AUD
常规价格 $70.00 AUD 促销价 $65.00 AUD
销售额 售罄

1. The Woomera Invert Roller Head:

A ‘Woomera’ is a wooden Australian Aboriginal spear-throwing device that offers added leverage and thus power. Similar to an atlatl, it serves as an extension of the human arm enabling a spear to travel with a greater speed and force than possible with only the arm

The Huntmaster Speargun Compound Inverted Roller Head is a modern day ‘Woomera’, enabling a speargun shaft to travel at a much greater speed and force than possible with the 'traditional' open head muzzle speargun.

2. Why choose the ‘Woomera’ Invert Roller Head?

Invert roller guns are the equivalent of compound bows in archery when compared to a traditional bow. Compound rollers and an enhancing stringing system on compound bows produce more power, efficiency, accuracy and reduce recoil - and the same is true of Invert Roller Heads.

Spearguns that use an Invert Roller head mechanism have shot many a world-record fish, the design providing a massive advantage over other conventional spearguns when targeting larger species. Additionally, when loading a large number of rubbers the Invert Head design doesn’t place strain on the handle and your hand when firing.

In short, if you want to power-up your speargun and get greater accuracy and efficiency - whilst reducing recoil - then look to an Inverted Roller Head.

3. A New Design:

The ‘Woomera’ Compound Speargun Inverted Roller Head was innovated to solve many of the issues of previous invert rollers - and we wanted one, new and unique design.

When designing this head, our team of advanced divers and spearos sat with our engineers and manufacturers for weeks on end to fine-tune what was needed for the ultimate roller head - and they came up with the Woomera.

We wanted an Invert Roller Head that could be an ‘all rounder’ - a head that (i) can hold hundreds of kilos of pressure; (ii) be used for single- or double-flopper shafts and (iii) adapt to alternative powerband and rigging setups according to what fish species we are targeting.

4. Key Design Features:

  • Twin rollers that make the speargun easier to load and add more powerbands - tested satisfactorily with up to ten (10) 16mm powerbands.
  • A 26mm barrel plug with removable rubber seal that can be used to fit many different guns on the market.
  • Sleek and compact design with a horizontal hole between the rollers and the plug to allow for extra rubber kickers when setting up rigs for very large fish.
  • Embedded underslung anchor point to tie off your speargun muzzle bungee or feed through a reel line.
  • Protective “arches” to cover the rollers, ensuring that lines attached to the shaft don't tangle or get in contact with the rollers whilst firing the speargun, ensuring smooth operation underwater.
  • Made using state-of-the-art CNC/CAD design with special injection moulding, making each stage of the production process precise and consistent.

5. The Materials:

  • A mixture of marine-grade stainless steel and cutting-edge injection-moulded  plastic resins.
  • High tensile plastic mixed with over 32% carbon, making it both stronger and lighter in weight - perfect for the high pressures of added and thicker powerbands.
  • Marine-grade stainless steel for all metal parts used.
  • ‘Self-lubricating Teflon washers’ embedded behind the rollers reduce friction whilst firing your speargun.
  • Wheel finishes in a Black design with six holes, or Blaze (orange), Blue, Green, Grey, Pink and Red wheels - matching to our WIGUN speargun and BURNUM wetsuit camouflage colourways.

6. Dimensions:

  • Diameter of Barrel Plug = 26mm
  • Length of Barrel Plug = 30mm
  • Wheel Diameter = 30mm
  • Shaft Slot Width = 7.5mm
  • Overall Length = 87mm
  • Wheel screws can be adjusted using a T10 Torx Bit.

7. In Summary

The Woomera Inverted Roller Head has been tested by the Huntmaster team and sponsored divers, focusing on large game fish like Marlin and Tuna where a quick kill is desired and a powerful shot is required to ensure thorough penetration.

The Woomera Inverted Roller Head passed all tests with flying colours, proven to hold up to TEN 16mm rubbers, showing ultimate durability and strength with no cracks, weak points or failing components.

Want to power-up your speargun? Look no further than the Woomera Inverted Roller Head...


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